The Adventures of Webmiss & Bert©

Why do I even own a phone?

Geeze, it’s been a little quiet on the comment front in here lately. *checks breath* I wonder if maybe a comment I’ve left somewhere has offended someone. If that’s the case, someone please enlighten me so I can apologize profusely. A lot of my main commenter’s are conspicuously absent. Hope everything is alright.

So this whole “dating” thing, I must just suck big time at this. Adam from the plane has met someone, apparently just after he asked for my email address. So we’re conversing via email on a strictly platonic basis, when I remember to write back…which is like once every two weeks. Uh, my bad. I’m happy for him, I think. John, the one who keeps forgetting our dates emailed today to let me know that he’s met someone. Hmm, I’m noticing a theme here. Is it possible that these people are lying to me? Is there something wrong with me? Seriously? I’m not hideously ugly, I speak English well enough, I’m polite and kind. So what is the problem?

I talked on the phone last night with Tony, the one with the moving company. He kept interrupting me, and cut off our conversation abruptly. He also kept mentioning that he wanted to get on with the Nascar circuit moving the film equipment. I think he mentioned 3 times that he did Bristol this year and made $2000 in 6 days. Now, don’t get me wrong cause I like money. I’m very fond of money. I don’t have a lot, but I wish I did. I come from a background that raised me to believe that money isn’t important, people are. Family is important. Friends are important. Being a good citizen is important. We never went without growing up, but we knew the difference between want & need. Most people today, don’t understand that concept. I married someone who put his job and the money he made before everything else. I spent 18 months in a pretty heavy relationship with someone who owned his own business. It was the only thing he thought of, and the majority of what he talked about. At this stage in my life, do I really want someone who will be that focused on their career and only cares about the $$’s they see? I’m trying to be open minded, so I will at least meet with Tony before I pass judgement. I want to give these men a chance. It just seems they’re not giving me one.

I emailed Doug, the one who’s worried about age difference, a week ago and have heard nothing back. He did warn me that this is a very busy time of year for him. It might be better to try and do this all sometime in early 2008 as the holidays aren’t conducive to people having a lot of free time.

I haven’t talked to Jeff in almost 2 weeks. That’s a whole ‘nother post just on it’s own. I wonder if part of why I’ve felt so unsettled lately has to do with my “relationship” with him and where I feel/see that going. Maybe it’s just that time of year. I’m not getting outside much because it’s darned cold, it’s depressing being at home without Hailey, and I work my @ss off every day just to send every damn dime I make to bills, groceries, day care, rent, etc. Mike is getting off scott free right now, not paying any child support. As near as I can tell, his temp job will end come January, so I might get just 1 child support payment before then.

 Cute guy has been exceptionally nice to me. Not sure what’s up with that. He’s helped me several times in the past week to carry things to and from my car. I guess he’s just trying to be a nice, Cute Guy. I have to say, it does make me feel good to know that there still men out there in the world who want to be a gentleman. I guess I’m a little old fashioned. I don’t mind being treated like a lady every once in awhile.

I was wondering today why I even bother owning a phone. I have a cell phone, but never got a land line turned on when I moved to the apartment. No one calls me. Seriously. Ok, mom does. But she doesn’t count. I was thrilled on Sunday to receive 2…yes T-W-O calls back to back. That’s almost unheard of people. I think the last time that happened to me, my brother was calling to say Grandpa had had a heart attack and then mom called to see if I could pick her up and take her to the hospital. I thought I had friends, but maybe I need to re-evaluate that part of my life. Maybe I’m a bad friend?!? Hmm. I know I have trouble responding to emails in a timely manner. Maybe I just am bad at remembering to call people too? I need to ruminate on that tid bit for a while.

Oh, here’s my random irritation for today. I received a Christmas card from my father. Dad remarried ohhh, 12 years ago now, I think. Vicki’s ok, I’ve not spent much time with her so I really can’t have much of an opinion. They are huge cat people. They are really into cats. Their bathroom has a distinct cat motif. The knick-knacks have to be of a black cat with white paws. Why? Because Dad & V have a cat, named Gilbert of all things who is fat as hell and is black with…you guessed it, white paws. Anyway, for as long as I can remember my cards have always been signed “Love, Dad, Vicki and *stamped paw print* (Gilbert)” This year though, the card came signed “Love, Dennis, Vicki & *stamped paw print* (Gilbert)” My father signed my card with his first name. I don’t know why, but that irritated the heck out of me. It was like instead of my card being personal they had a little assembly line set up, signed all the cards the same way and then jammed them into their pre-addressed envelope. They didn’t have to worry about which card went where as they were all the same!! Oh the simplicity of it.

As I said on Junkmel’ssite: “Gah! ‘Tis the season to BITE ME. Ooh maybe I need that printed up on a T-shirt.”

Bah Humbug, Y’all!

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  1. * yankeechick says:

    Geez! I’ve been missing out on you because you don’t show up on my google reader when you update. I guess now I recall people telling me that about my Dirty Laundry site. I’ll just have to remember to click on you from my blogroll!! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and don’t let these block head men get ya’ down!

    | Reply Posted 16 years, 5 months ago
  2. * junkmel says:

    I think a lot of folks aren’t commenting or posting as much because they’re all busy with Christmas. I’m actually off now (I know, I am lucky and I do appreciate it), so I’m spending lots of time reading all sorts of stuff I get behind on when I’m in court.

    As I’m sure lots of people IRL tell you, you will find someone again to share your life with. The ex, BTW, sounds like a real cad. Hopefully 2008 will bring you much happiness!

    | Reply Posted 16 years, 5 months ago
  3. * whatdayisit says:

    I think the time of year is causing most of the lack of comments. I can’t believe how quickly I get about a week behind in reading. Sorry.
    As for the lack of relationships in your life…I think that is also part of the time we are in. Men don’t seem to want to work on a real relationship. Maybe you need to join a divorced or singles group that meets in real life occasionally.
    And in regard to a career, there’s a great book called.Do What You Are” : Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type–Revised and Updated Edition Featuring E-careers for the 21st Century. Try to find it at a library. You take a series of tests and it steers you towards careers that would fit with who you are. I took it after I was working and was thrilled that I was doing just what the book said I would love….and I did….for 35 years.
    Don’t beat yourself up. You are 26 years old and obviously are very wise and interesting. Maybe there is something in the company where you work now that you could try for….
    Merry Christmas

    | Reply Posted 16 years, 5 months ago
  4. * whatdayisit says:

    Oops. I forgot to comment on the Christmas card from your Dad. I got a card like that from my father and I was angry with him for years about it. Later on when we reconnected, I asked about it and found out that they had been signing several cards at one time and then putting them into envelopes. He just “forgot” and didn’t put in a special message or sign it as Dad….. so probably the same thing happened…it was careless but I am sure he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

    | Reply Posted 16 years, 5 months ago
  5. * cardiogirl says:

    Hey webmiss! I am so happy to have access to you again! Yay!!

    Okay, those guys sound like they are not looking for anything serious or long term. I think you know that, and I truly would look at it in that way. It’s easy for me to say this, not being in the middle of it. Dating is full of rejection and it takes a confident person to jump into that mix.

    I just think it’s important for you to remember that if those guys don’t follow up with you, it’s because they are not WORTHY of YOUR attention and they know that on some level.

    It is so easy to take their rejection as some reflection on you, and I am certain that is not the case, webmiss.

    Now your dad sounds like a jackass. I’m sorry, but I’m positive you are right when you say he made an assembly line of cards and just slapped your name on the front of the envelope. I would be offended. If he doesn’t have time for his own daughter, then he is not worth your attention.

    Do you see a trend here? I am all about people putting energy and effort into their relationships these days (definitely this is all about me and it is spilling into your comment, sorry about that).

    I’m going to catch up on your prior posts that I missed. I’m so glad to see you back blogging and to be able to get in!

    | Reply Posted 16 years, 4 months ago

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